Website Update And Request For New Vegan Products!

We know that it’s too early to be talking about the c-word. But, here at Vegan Christmas Gifts HQ, we are busy preparing our website for Christmas 2022! Yes! It’s July and we are talking about Christmas!

User experience is very important to us so we’ll be going through our website with a fine-tooth comb to ensure our website performs as you’d expect. This means we’ll be checking all our links to other websites still work, that the products we advertise are still available and that the prices and descriptions we display are still accurate. If we find that any of the products we advertise don’t meet a certain criteria they will be removed from Vegan Christmas Gifts.

We expect that a large percentage of the Vegan products we advertise won’t be available for Christmas 2022. This means that we are looking to add some new amazing products for this Christmas!! If you are a Vegan based company that specialises in gifts and other products suitable for Vegans then we want to hear from you! Please fill in the form below to hear about our advertising options for Christmas 2022.

We also wanted to make you aware that we do sometimes make mistakes! So if you spot any inaccurate descriptions, prices or links to products that are no longer available please let us know by filling in our report an error form here.

Now that we have given you all an update, we’d better get back to work!

Speak soon!

Vegan Elf

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